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and spreading kindness on campus!
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All funds and plans purchased for use in Widener Dining are for the personal use of the owner of the account or plan only and are non-transferable. The Widener Dining funds and plans cannot be used as a gift card or gift certificate. Except as otherwise expressly stated in these terms, all Widener Dining funds and plans are non-refundable and will expire at the earlier of the last day of enrollment or employment, as applicable, or the last day of the current semester.

Unused Dining Dollars will transfer from the fall to the spring semester if you are on an all you care to eat plan(Platinum, Gold or Silver). At the end of the spring semester, any unused dollars are not refundable and cannot be transferred to the new academic year. If you are on a Block Meal Plan or All Dining Dollar Plan (25,75,105,180,500ADD) your dining dollars will not be transferable at the end of the semester the plan was purchased.

By purchasing the Here & Home 30 Block, you automatically receive a One Hundred and Twenty Dollar ($120.00) credit with which you can purchase meal kits from Home Chef, a third-party meal kit delivery service. After you have purchased your meal plan, you will be contacted by<> via e-mail with instructions regarding how to redeem your $120 credit, and Home Chef will ship your meal kit to the address you designate. You may redeem your $120 credit at any time. The $120 credit for the meal kit is non-refundable,.

Refund Policy:
All website purchases are considered to be final. Exceptions will be made for processing errors. All refunds for processing errors will be refunded to the credit card used for the purchase.

Promotions are not transferable and are not redeemable for cash, gift cards, credit, or toward previous purchases.  Other exclusions may apply.  Void where prohibited.  Additional restrictions may apply.  Aramark reserves the right to cancel or modify any promotion or offer at any time.  Refer to each Promotion’s respective materials for additional details, instructions, and requirements. 

If purchasing the 1 Free Meal offer, you will be automatically enrolled in Dining Rewards and will receive all dining related marketing and communication.