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and spreading kindness on campus!
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Understanding your Meal Plan

Students who purchase a meal plan must present their student ID card—the Campus1Card— upon entering the Pride Café. Students who do not have their Campus1Card with them in person must find their card, or can use cash, credit, or debit to gain access. 

Students who are not on a meal plan can use Pride Bucks, cash, or credit/debit to gain access to the Pride Café. Dining dollars cannot be used without purchasing a meal plan, and are different from Pride Bucks.

To sign up for your meal plan please complete the Meal Plan sign up form found here!


Meal Swipes

Meal Swipes give you access to our all-you-care-to-eat dining hall, Pride Café. Meals must be used in the semester they are purchased; they do not roll over to the next semester.



PRIDE Bucks is a debit-like account linked to your Campus1Card. You can use your PRIDE Bucks funds to pay for meals at any Food Service location including UNO’s Pizzeria & Grill. 

  • PRIDE Bucks CAN be used at Uno Pizzeria & Grill and are accepted as payment for food and drinks (non-alcoholic only).
  • Log onto the Campus1Card Center and select "GET Places" to view a list of local establishments that accept Pride Bucks. 


Dining Dollars

Dining Dollars are the additional money that comes with your chosen meal plan. They can only be used at on-campus food service locations including: Freshens, Cinnabon, Auntie Annes, Starbucks, Good Day, The Lions’ Den, Bento Sushi & Moe’s Southwest Grill.

  • Dining Dollars CANNOT be used at Uno Pizzeria & Grill.


Meal Exchange

Certain meal plans allow you to use a meal “swipe” at locations other than the Pride Café. We consider these transactions “meal exchanges”.

Unlimited Weekly and Unlimited Weekday meal plans include two meal exchange opportunities per day, which are meals that can be had at any on-campus food service location outside of the Pride Café. You can only use one meal exchange during a meal period (breakfast, lunch or dinner).  You can use a meal exchange in Retail, followed by a meal swipe at the Pride within the same meal period, but cannot use a meal swipe in the Pride, followed by a meal exchange in retail within the same meal period.  

Once the two meal exchanges are used, the meal exchange usage is blocked until the next day and Pride Café entrance is blocked until the next meal period begins. If you do not have any meal exchanges left for the day, you will need to use either Dining Dollars or Pride Bucks (if applicable). Students can also choose to pay for the extra meals by cash or credit card.


Meal Plan Benefits

With your meal plan, you receive many benefits and perks, including:

  • Quality food made fresh by our culinary team, with a variety of menu options personalized the way you like
  • Healthy choices available all across campus
  • Special events with themed meals and exclusive offers for meal plan members
  • Casual atmosphere with wifi, TVs, music and lounge-style seating—perfect for studying or hanging out with friends.
  • Dedicated True Balance Allergen Friendly station at Pride Café.

Managing Your Plan

There are two ways you can check your Meal Swipes and Dining Dollars balance:

  • On your receipt upon request
  • Visit the meal plan office in Lipka Hall, open Monday-Friday 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Meal Plan Process and Payment

Campus Life my.widener webpage

Image of Campus Life my.widener webpage

 web page for Faulty staff to purchase a meal plan

To make a meal plan selection, students (and parents) and Faculty/Staff  are required to utilize my.widener. They can scroll down to “Campus Life” and look for the “Meal Plan, Chester” tile or utilize the search function for “Meal”/ “Meal Plan” which guides them to the same SSO form. If you are already logged into the main my.widener webpage, you will immediately be directed to the meal plan form. Otherwise, you will be prompted to utilize your single sign-on credentials to log in.


Student Financial Account

Financial page on MyWidner webpage


The student financial account shows the students tuition, housing, and now meal plan charges. To access this account, students also utilize my.widener with their SSO credentials.
Similar to meal plans, students can scroll down the my.widener webpage to find the “Financial” section and look for the "Student Account - Students" tile, or they can utilize the search function. (See also, “Student Account – Authorized User” - noted below).

Students also have the ability within their student financial account (Under “Student Account – Students”) to set up any parent/guardian as an Authorized User. This can be done under the “My Profile Setup” “Authorized Users”

My Profile Setup page on website

By simply providing an e-mail address in the Authorized User section, a one-time password is generated and sent to the e-mail provided. Upon using the one-time password, the authorized user is prompted to create their own password. This then provides the parent/guardian access to the student financial account at any time. Once an established authorized user, any parent/guardian would also visit but instead use the "Student Account - Authorized User" tile.